Successful people tend to be both optimistic and self-confident. Even when the outcome is uncertain, they take action, usually with positive results.
While flying last week I observed the ultimate level of optimism – a woman who had a roller bag that was going to fit into the overhead bin. For those that fly often, you’ve all seen it; these optimistic souls…if I place it wheels first, if I turn it around, if I try it sideways, if I try it upside down, if I try it further down the aisle (because the bin is going to magically get bigger) – it’s going to fit. I watched skeptically, and on the fifth try, with another passenger helping her shove the bag, much to my surprise, the bag went into the overhead bin.
Optimism is a form of determination with confidence. If you are determined and confident enough to want to make it work, it often does. How often do we approach projects with optimism? How often do we approach relationships with optimism? Do we start skeptically or with confidence? Are we determined to make it work well or are we holding back?
May we all have more optimism.
At the end of the day… is an expression meaning an assessment of essential facts and truths. It’s a summation of the pros and cons of any situation and a straightforward statement of what really matters. It’s also the title of this blog series by Brenda Hodge, Nuance Healthcare’s Chief Marketing Officer, with insights about leadership, empathetic customer relationships, and marketing techniques.