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Die digitale Transformation neu denken

Digitale Transformation im Kundenservice

In der digitalen Transformation entwickelt sich das Kunden-Engagement rasant: Wer nicht mithalten kann, fällt zurück. Dabei ist es aber noch nicht zu spät. Unser Leitfaden soll Unternehmen unterstützen, sich auf dem Weg der digitalen Transformation zurechtzufinden. Mit der richtigen Strategie überdauern Sie nicht nur die digitale Revolution der sich ständig wandelnden Kundenerfahrung, sondern können daran wachsen und sich weiterentwickeln.

Many companies are struggling with digital transformation. Everything could be so simple: Out with the old and in with the new. Wouldn’t that be nice? Everyone knows that change doesn’t work that way. Whether it’s a large corporation, an enterprise, or a government agency, you can’t just scrap old technology and install software that magically changes everything for the better.

A look at your customer service reveals how drastic this task can be. All the hardware, distribution technology, various large appliances, cables, telephones and much more used – often buried under a thick layer of dust. Systems that are needed for ongoing operations – and whose investment has sometimes not yet paid for itself – and yet should be replaced by digital solutions.

Another difficulty is the fact that you can’t shut down and completely renew your customer service for a few months. Even if you do, you need to figure out how you’re going to embrace and implement all the new technology trends that are mushrooming, from messaging to smart speakers to cross-channel analysis of customer journeys.

Digital Transformation for Customer Experience

However, before you get into the actual technology implementation, there are a number of aspects to consider that will help you formulate a plan to move forward with the implementation of digital transformation. Let’s take a quick look:

  1. Corporate culture and communication –

    Make sure your leadership team is on board in advance. Because they are the ones who ultimately have to implement all your plans. Lead and delegate leadership responsibilities, not just as a control tool, but to align cross-functional teams around the common goal and identify and communicate project status across the organization. Since digital transformation is ultimately about innovation and continuous process improvement, which always carries a certain amount of risk, you create an appropriate incentive system for your employees instead of tacitly tolerating the risk taken by all parties involved. This motivates and creates trust.

  2. Digital Business Strategy –

    Find the current pain points based on available data and derive measures from them that are suitable to improve these problem points. Classify and prioritize these and summarize their ROI to identify the most critical actions. Think about how you can increase the efficiency of your customer service beyond self-service. For example, think about your customer service representatives and support agents and how you can simplify their everyday work.

  3. Organizational Alignment –

    Here, too, as with point 2, your data is decisive. They are needed to make informed decisions and to approve funding for specific projects. Data allows you to make a concrete assessment of the initial situation at the beginning, monitor the progress of the project as it progresses, and adjust it if necessary. A high degree of flexibility is crucial here, because no project goes exactly as planned. Therefore, react to changes at an early stage to avoid unnecessary costs.

  4. Omni-channel roadmap –

    Start simple, in quick but short cycles, and gradually improve and expand the feature set. Rome wasn’t built in a day either, and that shouldn’t be the goal of your customer loyalty strategy. Again, data is your best friend. Derive metrics that will help you keep track of what’s actually happening and analyze customer expectations (e.g., which communication channels they prefer). Don’t forget two things: Determine their initial situation beforehand in order to make improvements measurable. Communicate the improvements to your customers and employees; You will be thrilled about it!

Of course, this is just an overview of the digital transformation process of customer service. There are many more aspects to consider, some of which depend directly on your unique business needs. Check out our guide to learn more about what to consider when aiming for world-class customer experiences, and how you, your customers, and your employees will benefit along the way.