Whether it’s their first job ever or they’re still finding their way through the corporate landscape, the young pros in Catelyn and Caitlin’s Nuance Network are learning how to navigate their world at work with the help of their peers.
Entering the workforce as a young professional can be intimidating, but Catelyn and Caitlin are working with their new Network to make sure that everyone feels like they have a place where they can learn and be supported early in their careers. These two women have found a way to help bridge the gap with their Young Professionals Network (YPN), which aims to develop, connect, empower, and retain young professionals at Nuance through networking and career development initiatives. YPN serves as an opportunity for individuals to foster relationships and engage with peers across functions. One of the best parts is that this group isn’t just limited to “young” professionals. While that is the target audience, the group’s leaders encourage employees of all levels to join and share their wisdom and advice from their diverse experiences at work.
Let’s get to know these leaders and see how their passion for connection launched a successful Network!
What do you do on Team Nuance?
Catelyn: I am a Field Marketing Manager for Dragon Medical One and our Patient Engagement Solutions.
Caitlin: I am a Senior Specialist in Healthcare Solutions Marketing.
Why do you think we needed a Network for young professionals?
Catelyn: Especially during the pandemic, it was and continues to be difficult for people to connect. For new employees or professionals early into their careers at Nuance, it can be daunting to put yourself out there to meet new people. This space creates that connection among common goals of networking and career education.
Caitlin: I was part of a similar network at my prior company and found that it was a great way to meet peers across functions and expand my network beyond just my direct team members. With the pandemic and working in a remote environment, it can be challenging to meet new people across the company. This Employee Resource Group (ERG) is specifically aimed at bridging that gap, connecting professionals across roles, tenures, and geographies at Nuance.
What benefits do YPNs (at Nuance and other companies) provide for members?
Catelyn: YPNs can provide networking and career development. For example, career chats with professionals further into their careers, professional development workshops, and networking events to build more connections.
Caitlin: We try to create a balance of networking, professional development, and informal career ‘chats,’ where we will bring in someone with lots of great career experience to talk about their journey and advice. So beyond offering members the opportunity to network and meet others, YPN allows members to learn from others and develop important career skills.
How has Nuance empowered you, as women leaders, to pursue your interests (like starting this Network)?
Catelyn: Nuance has empowered me to be a leader by continuing to showcase its women leaders. As a young professional myself, having women role models right in front of me every day has shown me with hard work and perseverance, I can accomplish my goals.
Caitlin: Nuance has empowered me to pursue my interests because of the immense support I have received in navigating my early career. There are so many resources available to employees, from professional development sessions to mentoring programs. And you never have to navigate your career alone – there are always people here to support you. I am grateful to have experienced that firsthand when I decided to move from the finance organization into marketing!