A recent blog from Forrester Research explores which digital transformation strategies and initiatives grocery retailers should adopt in order to keep up with growing consumer expectations in 2021 and beyond. Nuance echoes these suggestions and is partnering with leading brands to help them engage and support their customers with AI-powered solutions to elevate experiences across all channels.
Grocery retailers faced a seismic shift in 2020 and consumers quickly adapted to the new ways to shop and engage with their grocery store. Forrester Research describes how the pivot to grocery digital self-service options is the key to business growth, customer retention and acquisition in 2021 and beyond. Nuance is aligned with this guidance and is partnering with leading brands to deliver AI-powered solutions that delight customers with quick, secure, and convenient support across all channels.
Demand for online grocery shopping grew drastically in response to the COVID-19 crisis, and grocery retailers needed to extend the same efficient and convenient in-store experiences to their online options to ensure customer satisfaction. For example, Albertsons turned to Nuance’s virtual assistant and live chat solutions to engage customers as they shop for groceries via the web and mobile apps. The AI-powered application assists customers through their shopping experience and provides real-time answers to customer inquiries such as how the delivery service works, item availability, online order tracking status, and store locations and hours. Albertsons has elevated their online shopping experience for their customers—meeting customers where they are, when they need help most.
As the retail landscape has changed dramatically, Forrester recommends that grocers upgrade their digital touchpoints. To enhance experiences across touchpoints, channels, and devices, retailers should adopt comprehensive digital strategies that combine frictionless, simple, and secure technology deployments with partners that are committed to successful implementations and results. Perhaps the most top of mind example for retailers is the search for ways to support the nationwide COVID-19 vaccine rollout. With vaccines on the horizon, we are expanding our support to provide you with new solutions, including VoiceBots, that provide peace of mind for your customers, helping to answer questions and concerns surrounding the vaccine and scheduling appointments, while keeping costs in check.
At the Groceryshop Spring Meetup March 9-11, Nuance will share stories and explore the ways in which grocery retailers can continue to engage their customers while navigating their accelerated digital transformation goals this year and beyond. Learn more about the event here.